eBooks for marketers, event professionals and communications specialists

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eBook cover The State of Employer Branding

The State of
Employer Branding

Attract more of the best talent by using genuine content and a well-shaped strategy. The download includes a complete Employer Branding Strategy Template.

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eBook cover The Complete UGC Guide to Growing Your Brand

The Complete UGC Guide
to Growing Your Brand

Forget traditional ads. UGC is now the most trusted source for shopping decisions. This guide will help you turn customer reviews on social media into ads for your brand. Boost sales and keep growing your business.

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eBook Cover The Social Media Guide for Hybrid and Virtual Events

The Social Media Guide
for Hybrid and Virtual Events

Download the complete social media guide for hybrid and virtual events and learn how to make your event more interesting and exciting for attendees, speakers and organisers alike.

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eBook cover Social Media Hashtag Marketing Guide

Social Media
Hashtag Marketing Guide

Learn how to leverage hashtags for your marketing campaign. Hashtags are one of the pillars of success in social media marketing. In this eBook, you will find the complete guide to using hashtags strategically across different social media channels.

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eBook cover Social Media Guide for Higher Education

Social Media Guide
for Higher Education

Learn how to effectively use social media for higher education by downloading this free guide. Start leveraging social media for your university today.

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Trusted by +85.000 brands worldwide

Get started with a Social Media Wall

Create a social wall for your business in minutes.